Your body talks, and my hands listen.


A mission to help you feel and move better!

What is Body Therapy?

Body therapy is bodywork, it’s mind|body awareness, it’s relief through therapeutic massage. It is a term I use that refers to the manual manipulation of muscular and connective tissue with the intention to collectively reduce pain, restore function and promote complete relaxation.

Things like injuries, repetitive motions/positions, overuse of muscles, and exercise cause the connective tissues in your body to create adhesions, become restricted, shortened, dehydrated and stiff. Mental stress along with other psychological traumas can also physically manifest in the body. If you don’t have a proper way to release that stress, you hold tension in the form of migraines, muscle knots and other forms that the body registers as pain.When the body is relaxed, your mind will follow.

Benefits of body therapy are the same as most therapeutic massage modalities:

  • Reduced muscle tension

  • Improved circulation and skin

  • Increased mobility and flexibility

  • Clarity— Boost for mental Health

  • Lymphatic stimulation

  • Ease headaches and migraines

  • Relaxation— Lowers stress levels

The way we achieve relief looks different for everyone. Sometimes you just need to relax with a soothing massage. Other times, pain relief might require deeper work that can at times be uncomfortable or might leave you feeling sore. But that feeling goes away and leaves you restored. For all sessions offered, you will be asked to undress to your level of comfort for a hands on treatment. Proper draping will always be applied.

So, the goal of a session is completely tailored to your needs! I see body therapy as a craft and a healing form of art. This adds a unique flare to my flow and creates a three dimensional bodywork experience. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and indulge.



What are your Covid-19 safety precautions?

As a Solo practitioner in a shared space, all LMTs have agreed to stay home when feeling sick. We also follow all CDC and Marion county guidelines to ensure a safe environment. We reserve 15 minutes in between sessions so that all surfaces are thoroughly disinfected before you come in for your scheduled appointment. And as of 07/01/22 No masks are required.

Should I talk during the massage session?

Typically your massage therapist will follow the clients lead/cue, limiting talking to session related topics. Some clients do prefer to talk, and thats okay. However, do not feel the need to make conversation. Most people will close their eyes and try to relax.. however, bodywork sessions usually require a bit of feedback.

How do I prepare for a massage?

I recommend drinking plenty of water before and after massage for several reasons. Clients sometimes become dehydrated mid session and get dry mouth so drinking plenty of water will curb that. It Aids in Detoxification, flushing out metabolic waste released during massage and makes room for the good stuff. And finally, It helps to prevent soreness and let the muscles continue to loosen up.

It is recommended that you don’t eat 90 Minutes before a massage. Also Try taking an Epsom salt bath the night before your massage, it could aid in the tension relief.

How often should I receive massage?

Most clients get massages 1 time a month. Frequency Depends on the goals and expectations of the treatment plan. Theres a saying that massage is like medicine, it does not work if you don’t continue to take it.